Embroidered Christmas Cards with Easy Printable Template

I just love a handmade Christmas and these embroidered Christmas cards are designed to be quick and easy. The printable template makes these cards even easier. Plus I made a set of embroidered Christmas gift tags as well.

Below you will find the material list for this craft project, a step by step tutorial, and a video tutorial showing you the basic embroidery skills needed to complete these embroidered Holiday cards and gift tags. Each card only takes a few minutes to embroider but really adds a nice handmade touch to your holiday cards.

Just print the Embroidery Christmas cards template and quickly and easily make some handmade embroidered Christmas cards.

Customizing your Embroidered Christmas Cards

It is easy to customize these cards by using colorful cardstock. I used both white and brown for my cards. You can also change the color of the thread for the designs. You can add some cheerful words to the front of the cards and write a personal message on the inside.

I wanted to create a set of cards that already had some wording on the outside, but I just come up blank on what to add. If you have any ideas on what I should write on the outside of the cards, let me know in the comments below and I can make a second template with wording.

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Want more creative ways to add a little handmade touch to your gifts? Check out my Crafters Guide to Wrapping Presents.

A Crafter's guide to present wrapping. This is a post designed to inspire you to get creative when wrapping christmas, birthday and any other gifts.

What you will Need

This project takes a handful of supplies but you will likely have lots of this already on hand.

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You will need:
Regular Printer Paper
Cross Stitch Needle
Embroidery Thread
Tape (Optional)
Glue Stick
Markers or Pens to write your holiday message.
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That is it, just a little supplies from your office and some supplies from your craft room and we are ready to make stunning handmade cards.

Creating your Embroidered Christmas Cards and Tags

Here is a handy video tutorial showing the basic embroider skills to make these Embroidered Christmas Cards. The video also walks you through the steps for how to assemble your cards. Or you can read the instructions below.

Step 1: Print and Punch

The first thing you will need to do is Print the Christmas Card and Tags Template on cardstock. This PDF includes your embroidering guide as well as the printable cards and gift tags. There is one set of cards that is plain with only the punch dots and another set that has Holiday Greetings.

Just print the Embroidery Christmas cards template and quickly and easily make some handmade embroidered Christmas cards.

The cards have little grey dots showing you exactly where to punch holes and make your stitches. The embroidering guide will show you where to make your stitches with each color.

Cut your cards or tags out and place one on top of your sponge, foam or a few layers of cardboard. Using a needle (I used a T-pin to make this easier) punch a hole where every grey dot is. We will be using these holes to create our stitches.

Step 2: Embroider your Christmas Cards

Now we are ready to embroider the cards. For these cards and tags, we use a simple backstitch and a french knot to create all the details. You can see how to do this in the video tutorial above. Just follow the embroidery guide in the PDF to see where to place all your stitches and what colors each stitch should be.

Just print the Embroidery Christmas cards template and quickly and easily make some handmade embroidered Christmas cards.

When starting a new color, I like to tape down the end of the thread to hold it in place. When you finish a color, you can tape down the other thread end or weave it through the backside of the stitches.

I also want to point out that on the tags, there are fewer stitches than the cards in order to keep the stitches from getting too small on the smaller tags.

Step 3: Decorate and Add a Message

Once your cards are embroidered, finish up the front of the card by adding a handwritten greeting. You can also leave the front of the card blank. If you happen to have a holiday stamp, that would look lovely as well.

Step 4: Add your Insert

Now we will cover up the back of our stitching by adding a little paper insert. Take a piece of cardstock or regular printer paper and cut it into a rectangle that is about 1/4 inch smaller than the card on all sides.

I would take the time to write your personalized message on this insert before you glue it in place. You can even type out your message, and print it out to use as the insert. Then using a glue stick, glue the insert into the inside of the holiday card. I glued one side of the card at a time as the glue stick can dry quickly.

For the gift tags, there is a printable backing for each tag. You can print the backings on cardstock or regular printer paper. I chose to use cardstock.

Just print the Embroidery Christmas cards template and quickly and easily make some handmade embroidered Christmas cards.

Now your card is complete and ready to be sent. Just pop it into a card envelope and make sure to add the correct postage when you mail it.

Snowman is missing his nose.

Want to just print out some fun gift tags for handmade gifts. Join the Winding Road Crochet Newsletter and get access to tons of printable gift tags and project labels to give with your gift.

free printable plaid gift tags

Written pattern, tutorials, photos, graphs, and pdfs of the Embroidered Christmas Cards free tutorial and template are copyright Windingroadcrochet.com. Please do not reprint or repost this content as your own, but please feel free to share this link with others. You can find more information on sharing my work with others in the Terms and Conditions Page.

Just print the Embroidery Christmas cards template and quickly and easily make some handmade embroidered Christmas cards.
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6 thoughts on “Embroidered Christmas Cards with Easy Printable Template”

  1. I remember making these at Thanksgiving time – to keep me busy and for the coming Christmas holiday. I loved making them!! Thanks for bringing back an old favorite for a new generation! Great idea!!

    • Thank you for asking. All my downloads broke and I have been fixing them. I put the link to the template in the material list for the bowl cozy pattern.


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