A Practical Crochet Planner you will Love

Don’t you wish you could just be playing with yarn all the time. Sadly there is everyday chores that need to be done, like house cleaning and work. Now you can keep track of your day to day activities and still enjoy a little yarny goodness with this Free Printable Crochet Planner.

Crochet Planner Inspiration and Design

This planner is designed to help you organize your entire life not just the crafty part of it. It includes pages that will help you plan future crochet projects as well as pages that will help you plan your day to day chores.

This crochet planner is designed a little like a bullet journal. I love the idea behind a bullet journal but the time it takes to set one up is time away from my crochet. So to save time I made this planner printable.

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

I still wanted to have the cute factor that you see with several bullet journals, so I added crochet related graphics that you can color any way you desire to be able to add your own style to your crochet planner.

Get My Free Crochet Planner

Sign up to receive email newsletter from Winding Road Crochet to be notified of new free crochet patterns and to get access to my 17 page printable crochet planner.

So in short this planner is a combination of a practical bullet journal, a color book, and a crochet planner. See everything you need and it is all printable!

Plus, I am not done adding pages to this planner! I will continue to update this planner over the next few months. You can even help me by letting me know what types of pages you would like me to create in the comments below. I will be adding more practical pages as well as crochet resource pages designed to fit this journal.

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Where to find the Crochet Planner?

I made this Crochet Planner as a Thank You for all the people in the community who have supported me during my blogging journey. You can find the PDF files for this Free Printable Planner in my Printable Resource Page. This page is available exclusively to my newsletter subscribers.

Not a newsletter subscriber? You can subscribe for free! Once subscribed you will receive a link to my Printable Resource Page where you can download this planner and several other printables, including gift tags, and labels.

This post may contain Affiliate links. For more information refer to my Terms and Conditions.

This crochet weekly planner includes 17 two-page bullet journal spreads. If you are unfamiliar with the bullet journal concept this video tutorial is the best I have found about bullet journaling.

I considered making a colored version of this journal, but I thought it would be more fun to let you add whatever color theme you wanted by coloring in the graphics and adding extra colors around the words. You can see how I customized my crochet planner in the video below.

You do not need a lot of materials to make this crochet planner. I have listed the materials needed and the extra materials that will help you customize your planner.

Must have Planner Materials

Printer Paper
A5 Planner Binder
Pen or Pencil
Hole Punch

Nice to Have Planner Materials

Colored Pencils
Brush Pen
Planner Stickers

Printable Planner Pages

Below is a short description of all the pages currently included in the Printable Crochet Planner.

Monthly Planner

I created the monthly calendar to keep track of all your appointments. The calendar is blank, so you can fill in the numbers and months name. Plan out your monthly goals, add notes, and record your friend’s Birthday around the edge of the calendar. 

Weekly Planner

Keep track of your weekly tasks with the weekly planner page (2 designs). There is room for notes and to list your weekly goals. Writing down your goals each week will help you achieve them. You can use markers to highlight the words and add a little color. Color your yarn a different color each week.

You can also use the yarn graphic as a mood tracker. Color in a few strands of the yarn each day with a color that represents your mood. Will you end up with a variegated yarn ball or a solid color?

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Crochet Wish List and Projects List

Ever see something you love then forget about it later? Well write it down in your planner with the price. Then when you get a little extra cash or you have a great coupon, you can go back and treat yourself to a little gift. 

There is also a projects list to keep you from forgetting what projects you are working on. I can’t tell you how many times I stumbled across a work in progress that I completely forgot about.

Crochet Planner Reference Pages (Just Added)

Just recently I added a ton of reference pages to the crochet journal and they have been some of my most used pages in my own crochet journal.

Here is what I have added:
Standard Blanket Size Chart
Hat Size Chart
Hook Size Chart
US vs. UK terms
Crochet Abbreviations Page
Working with Doubled Yarn Guide
Yarn Sizes and Names Guide

I recommend printing these pages on card stock because you will be using them over and over again.

Completed Projects Page

How many projects did you complete this month? Year? Being able to look back on your accomplishments can really be rewarding. This is a fun page to record your projects as you finish them.

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Project Shelf Page / Work in Progress Page (Just added)

Both the project shelf and the Work in Progress tracker server the same purpose but the pages look different. Record the projects you are working on or planning. The Project Shelf Page has a little square to track your current progress on the project.

This Works in Progress page lays all this information out in a different way, so print the page that works best for you.

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Yarn Tracker / Yarn Directory (Just added)

You can make this crochet journal crochet only or a life journal with the weekly and monthly planners. If you are going to make it crochet only you will love using the yarn tracker and yarn directory. Use the yarn tracker to record where you are storing the yarn you have purchased to make it easier to find. You can learn a lot about how to do this in my How to have a Tangle Free Yarn Stash post.

I have also added yarn directory pages. These are smaller pages that you can use to knot on a small piece of yarn and record the brand, yarn line, and color. Why would you do this? Well lately I have been buying more yarn online and it is good to know exactly what color I need. I have messed this up before and ended up with several skeins of the wrong color. It won’t happen again because I have created a yarn directory. It is also great for planning the color for a project.

Project Details Pages (Just Added)

This is a fun and useful page that really works like a journal entry. You can record all the details about a project. If you every want to make another project with the same yarn or need to know how you adjusted a pattern, all your notes are recorded for you. You can also record the pattern name and where you found the pattern so you can make it again.

Handmade Gift Tracker

Are you giving handmade gifts for the holidays? Make everyone the perfect gift by using the Handmade Gift Giver’s Guide and keep track of your progress on those gifts with the planner’s gift tracker. 

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Notes Page / Brain Dump

Now for all the things we have not yet covered, you can record everything you need, to do list, grocery list and more on your notes page. The sheep on this page will watch over your list for you.

I have also just learned about a Brain Dump page in bullet journals. It is simple a way dump everything that is on you mind on to a page in your journal so you can stop thinking about it and come back to it later. I love the idea and added a brain dump page to the crochet planner.

Keep you project and your life organized with this free bullet journal style Crochet Planner. Free printable planner for all newsletter subscribers. #bulletjournal #plannerideas #crochetplanner #freeprintable #printable

Crochet Bucket List

I had a reader request that I add this page. They wanted a page that they could write down pattern names and sources of projects that they wanted to make or that inspired them. So I made the Crochet Bucket List. It is a great way to keep track of the patterns on your ‘to crochet’ list.

Printing Tips

The planner is made for an 8.5″ x 11 inch paper in landscape orientation. With my personal printer, I need to tell the printer to make the document ‘fit’ the printable area. You may need to do the same.

Also the crochet planner include many pages. Some you will want to print several times and others you may not use at all. Make sure to tell your printer which pages you would like to print.

Let’s Connect

Want to know what I am making next? Follow me on Instagram @windingroadcrochet to see sneak peeks of what I am up to and to be notified of when I release new free patterns. You can also follow me on Pinterest and Facebook. Join our facebook group Our Crochet Journey and be a part of our community. Share, photos, ask for help and be inspired all in one place!

Written pattern, tutorials, graphs and PDFs of the Free Printable Crochet Planner are copyright Windingroadcrochet.com. Please do not reprint or repost this content as your own, but please feel free to share this link with others. You can find more information on sharing my work with others in the Terms and Conditions Page.

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