Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph

The Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph will make a beautiful washcloth or Potholder Holder to brighten up your kitchen. I have been speaking to a lot of crocheters that want to learn Corner to Corner crochet graphs, but could not find any easy small graphs to try first.

To help meet their needs, I decided to make a series of C2C graphs that could be used as either pot holder of washcloths. I will be releasing a new graph every month in 2019.

If you do not know the Corner to Corner crochet stitch you can learn it in my Corner to Corner for Beginners. I use photo and video tutorials to walk you through the process.

If you love this graph and don’t want to miss the others, sign up for my newsletter to be notified of any new patterns.

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In order to make the Cup of Cocoa graph really beginner-friendly, I have included a PDF Graph that you can print. Also below you will find the written graph available, as well as a chart that shows you how many color bobbins I used for each color and where I carried my yarn.

I have also included two sizes of the graph, a 13×13 graph with the written chart and a 15×15 graph. All the other graphs in the series will be 15×15 graphs.

Want more Corner to Corner Crochet? Check out some of my favorite design below!

Learn how to corner to corner crochet and making this quick c2c bunting for any celebration or to add a festive touch to any room. Free crochet pattern with video tutorial.
Find your Flock: Be You Flamingo Wallhanging is a fun corner to corner crochet project that will inspire you everytime you look at it. The C2C graph and written pattern are included. Plus tips and instructions for making your wallhanging look finished. Free crochet pattern. #freepattern #flamingo #crochet #C2C #cornertocorner #wallhanging

When doing corner to corner crochet, I love to use the Printable Yarn Bobbins to keep my project tangle free!

Of course Corner to Corner crochet is not the only way you can use the Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph. You could make the graph using the bobble stitch method or with single crochet tapestry crochet.

I have seen someone make my Woodland Wonderland Blanket using 4 Single Crochet for every square on the graph.

Cup of Cocoa Materials

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40 yards or .92 oz of Red Heart Scrubby Smoothie, Caribbean Yarn

33 yards or .75 ozs of Red Heart Scrubby Smoothie, Cherry Yarn

5 yards or .1 ozs of Red Heart Scrubby Smoothie, White Yarn

Crochet Hook, Size G, 4.0mm


Yarn Needle



Using the C2C Stitch

3 Squares x 3 Sqaures = 2 inches x 2 inches

Finished Size

13×13 Graph – 8 1/2 inches x 8 1/2 inches

15×15 Graph – 9 1/2 inches x 9 1/2 inches

cup of cocoa c2c graph - corner to corner crochet graph with written chart - perfect graph for C2C beginners

Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph – Written Graph

Printable Graph – Cup of Cocoa Graph 13×13 PDF – Cup of Cocoa Graph 15×5 PDF

How to Read this pattern – R6: 3B, 2R, B = 3 Blue Squares, 2 Red Squares, 1 Blue Square.

B= Blue, R= Red, W = White

Written Pattern for 13×13 Graph

R1: B

R2: 2B

R3: 3B

R4: 4B

R5: 5B

R6: 3B, 2R, B

R7; B, R, B, R, 3B

R8: B, 3R, 2B, R, B

R9: B, R, 2B, 4R, B

R10: B, 5R, 4B

R11: 2B, R, B, 6R, B

R12: 2B, 7R, 3B

R13: 4B, 7R, 2B


R14: 2B, 6R, 4B

R15; 4B, 6R, B

R16: B, 5R, B, 2W, B

R17; 4B, 4R, B

R18: B, 3R, 2W, B, W

R19: 4B, 2R, B

R20: B, R, 2B, 2W

R21: 2B, W, 2B

R22: 4B

R23; 2W, B

R24: 2B

R25: B

Bobbin Instructions

Since this was a smaller graph I thought I would share how I carried my yarn. I like to use my Printable Bobbins to keep my yarn from getting tangled.

For this graph I used 3 blue bobbins, 2 red bobbins and 1 white bobbin.

You can of course carry the yarn how every you like but this is just how I did it. I was not able to carry the white yarn.

Below I map out using different where I carried each bobbin using different colors.

Finishing Up the Cup of Cocoa Graph

To finish this graph and make it into a washcloth I just Single crocheted around the edge. If you don’t know how to add a single crochet border, you can check out my video tutorial or my photo tutorial.

For the washcloth I added the border and wove in my ends and it was done. For the Pot Holder, I made a plain 13×13 C2C square (or 15×15), Single Crocheted a border to that square and the square using the graph and used a running stitch to sew the two together. You can learn more about Sewing Crochet Pieces Together with my video tutorial.

Now you have an adorable new addition to you kitchen!

Are you going to make a Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph Potholder? I would really like to see your finished piece, take a picture and share it with me on any social media! Just tag me @windingroadcrochet, #windingroadcrochet, or #ourcrochetjourney. Join my Facebook Group and share your creation with the community at Our Crochet Journey Facebook Group!

Let’s Connect

Want to know what I am making next? Follow me on Instagram @windingroadcrochet to see sneak peeks of what I am up to and to be notified of when I release new free patterns. You can also follow me on Pinterest and Facebook. Join our Facebook group Our Crochet Journey and be a part of our community. Share, photos, ask for help and be inspired all in one place!

Written pattern, tutorials, graphs and pdfs of the Cup of Cocoa C2C Graph are copyright Please do not reprint or repost this content as your own, but please feel free to share this link with others. You can find more information on sharing my work with others in the Terms and Conditions Page.

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